New Beginnings

With the first month and annual September camp trip in the books, a school year is in full swing.  I have a 5/6 split again with 8 returning students that I taught last year.  New challenges have sprung up and the excitement has mounted.  The students just received their computers and learn60 e-mail accounts and are busy at work.  They are excited for the opportunity to share stories and do peer editing on their computers.

I have been presented with unique challenges and opportunities this year including providing new and exciting lessons that re-shape my last years class to ensure returning students are engaged within their lessons and activities.  I must continue to push project based learning and a student-centered classroom, as well as encouraging strong  D.P.A. participation and have a P.E. focus.  I have to remember that although I have returning students, they have grown and are ready for a new challenge.

My biggest challenge will be my two ESL students.  One for Japan, and one from the Philippines.  I’ll be working hard with them as I see great potential and ability.  Our school’s first goal and monthly focus was on unity and belonging.  My plan from the start was to set these boys up with veteran, strong students to help guide them inside and outside the classroom.  Thus far, they are belonging and working well within the class.  My question is such that, how can I serve these students the best way, while also taking care of the rest of my class?  They have proved to be able to understand directions and get to work, but the language limits the output.  We are using online translators (still deciding which is best), and allowing them to express their ideas orally.  How can I make them as independent as possible?  I’m thankful to have an inclusive and caring class who are willing to help at any moment.

Off to a good start…